Green Delta Insurance Company Limited Review

Green Delta Insurance Company Limited Review

Green Delta Insurance Company is the number one nonlife insurance company in Bangladesh. Green Delta Insurance is a Private insurance company. GDIC is the short name of this company. Green Delta Insurance Company start their insurance business December 14, 1985 under the Companies Act, 1913 as a public limited company. Green Delta Insurance Company Truly start their business 1st January 1986, with a paid up capital of BDT 30.00 million. Present time GDIC credit rating of AA1 and ST1 and Capital BDT 637.875 million above.

Green Delta Insurance Company Review:

Company Full Name
Green Delta Insurance Company Limited
Established Year
December 14, 1985
Head Office Address
Green Delta AIMS Tower( 6th Floor ), 51-52,Mohakhali, Dhaka - 1216
A.Q.M. Nurul Absar
Company Type
Public Ltd.
Authorized capital
200.00 million
Number Of Branches
30 Above Branches

Green Delta Insurance Company Chairman and Vice Chairman Name & Picture:

Green Delta Insurance Company Vision & Mission: