Continental Insurance Limited is a Bangladeshi general insurance company. CIL is the short name of Continental Insurance Limited. CIL established in 1999 as public limited company under the Bangladesh Company Act, 1994. This company gets the permission for Insurance business from Chief Controller of Insurance, Directorate of Insurance, Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh on February 2000. This company operates their Insurance business under the Insurance act, 1938 subsequent amended Insurance Act, 2010. In this post i provide the review all about Continental Insurance Limited Bangladesh.
Continental Insurance Limited vision and mission to provide quality insurance services. They want to be a market leader in the general insurance sector at Bangladesh. Now CIL provide services hole Bangladesh. They have near 40 number of branches in whole Bangladesh. CIL mission not only the business they have also good mission such as CIL wants to make reliability, Dependability and popularity of CIL customers. Recently Continental Insurance Limited get the most Popular award “World Quality Commitment Award– 2013” in Platinum Category by Business Initiative Directions (BID), Madrid, Spain in reputation of unflinching responsibility to keep Quality, Customer Total satisfaction, Leadership and Quality.
World-Quality-Commitment-Award-2013 |
Continental Insurance Limited Chairman Profile:
CIL-Chairman-S.M.Abu-Mohsin |
Continental Insurance Limited Chairman S.M.Abu Mohsin. SM Abu Mohsin, a famous business personality, industrialist and philanthropist is the sponsor shareholder and director of CIL. He is involved in the insurance business last 35 years. He is also sponsoring investors and director of National Credit and Commerce Bank Ltd.
Continental Insurance Limited Contact Details
- Registered Office: Ideal Trade Center (7th Floor), 102, Shahid Tajuddin Srani, Tejgoan, Dhaka-1208.
- Telephone No: 9139063 , 8115679, 8124062, 811581
- Mobile No: +88017200-54440
- Email:
- Web:
The head office of the company has recently been relocated at its own premises newly built "Ideal Trade Center" situated at 102, Shahid Tajuddin Srani, Tejgoan, Dhaka-1208.
CIL Branches Name And Location:
Now I provide the Continental Insurance Limited Branches name, Location and Contact details via screen shot which is helping you to find out all Continental Insurance Limited branches name and addresses. Now scroll down to see CIL all branches name and contact details.
Continental Insurance Limited Share Details:
Now I provide share holder share percentage, Share category and financial performance which i collect form Dhaka stock exchange. This information help anybody to buy or sell continental insurance limited share.
- DSE Listing Year: 2008
- Market Category: A
- Electronic Share: Yes
- Sponsor/ Director: 30.25%
- Government: 00%
- Foreign: 00%Institute: 37.08%
- Public: 31.95%
- Last two years Share prices under the screen shot
CIL-Last-Two-years-Share-prices |
Continental Insurance Limited Finiancial Performance:
Now I give the information about CIL finiancial performance which is given Dhaka Stock Exchange website, You can see that if you want to know better about CIL finiancial report. See last two years CIL finiancial performance.
Continental Insurance Limited Audit Report:
Now I provide Continental Insurance 2012 Audit report dated on March 28 , 2013 Audited by Rahman Mustafiz Haq & Co. This audit report report i collect from continental insurance website pdf file.
Auditors’ Report
We have audited the with Balance Sheet of the Continental Insurance Limited as of December 31, 2012, the related Revenue Accounts as well as the Profit and Loss Account, Profit and Loss Appropriation Account and Statements of Cash Flows for the year then ended. The preparations of these financial statements are the responsibility of the company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an independent opinion on these financial statements, based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with Bangladesh Standard on Auditing (BSA). Those Standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.
In our opinion, financial statement read in conjunction with our remarks appended to the notes to the financial statements and subject to our above observations give a true and fair view of the financial position of the Continental Insurance Limited as of December 31, 2012, the results of its operation and its cash flows for the year then ended and that they comply with the Companies Act, 1994,the Insurance Act 2010 (except section 40C relating to limitation of management expenses), the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Rules, 1987, the Bangladesh Accounting Standards(BAS) (except BAS 25 in relation to investment)and other applicable laws and regulations.
We also report that:
- We have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purpose of our audit and made due verification thereof.
- In our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the company so far as it appeared from our examination of those books and proper returns adequate for the purposes of our audit have been received from branches not visited by us.
- The Company’s Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account and its cash flows dealt with by the report are in agreement with the books of account and returns.
- The expenditure incurred was for the purposes of the company’s business.
- As per section 40-C (2) of the Insurance Act 1938 as amended, we certify that to the best of our knowledge and belief and according to the information and explanations given to us, all expenses of management wherever incurred and whether incurred directly or in indirectly, in respect of insurance business of the Company transacted in Bangladesh during the year under report have been duly debited to the related Profit & Loss Account of the Company.
- As per regulation 11 of part 1 of the Third Schedule of the Insurance Act 1938 as amended, we certify that to the best of our information and as shown by its books, during the year under report has not paid any person any commission in any form outside Bangladesh in respect of its business re-insurance aboard.
Auditor-Signature |
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