Top 5 General Insurance Company In Bangladesh


The Insurance that are not life insurance is general Insurance. General Insurance also know as property and casualty insurance or Non-Life Insurance. As the General Insurance business growth in World there are now a huge Impact of general Insurance in Bangladesh. There are now almost 50 general insurance company in Bangladesh who
provide general insurance service to their customers. That really Indicates the importance of this sector in Bangladesh. However for the number of companies existed in this business there are some difference of services provided by this organization. Now we here to discuss the Top 5 General Insurance Company In Bangladesh.

Express Insurance Co. Ltd


Address of Express Insurance Co. Ltd

58, Dilkusha C/A (2nd Floor) City, Dhaka - 1000
Tel: +880-2-9552672, 9569546, 9561255, 9554421
Fax: +880-2-9568616, 
Mob: 01720054440

Green Delta Insurance Co. Ltd.


Address of Green Delta Insurance Co. Ltd.

Hadi Mansion 2, Dilkusha C/A, (4th Floor) Dhaka 1223

Tele: 9560005-6 Fax: 9552188

Mob: 01681-110255

National Insurance Co. Ltd.


Address National Insurance Co. Ltd.

Raj Bhaban (8th Floor) 
29, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka-1223
Tele: 9666361-8
Fax: 880-2-9555704
Mob: 01614-655395

Pioneer Insurance Co. Ltd   


Address Pioneer Insurance Co. Ltd

Symphony (5th Floor)
Plot # SE(F)9, Road # 142
South Avenue, Gulshan-1
Dhaka-1212 , Bangladesh.
Tel: 8816579, 8816793, 8817512, 8816561
Fax: +88-02-8817234, 8817264
Mob: 01720054440
Website :

Nitol Insurance Co. Ltd.


Address Nitol Insurance Co. Ltd.

24/A, Bijoynagar, Dhaka 1000
Tele: 9887075-6
Fax: 880-2-9883121
Mob: 01614-655395


This Companies Listed here are determined by the author by his personal Experience. Please Comment If you have any question or information or any suggestion.