Motorcycle Insurance In Bangladesh


Need Motorcycle Insurance in Bangladesh? Are you looking someone to insurance your Motorcycle then call this number- +8807200-54440 .Insurance is very important for any kind of vehicle such as Bus, Track, Saloon Car, Especially Motor Cycle etc. We know Road Accident is one of the common phenomenon in Bangladesh. Generally  Insurance
cannot return your bike but supporting you to overcome the disaster. You can not find out lot of information about Bangladesh insurance company policy and their services. Now in this post i discuss about BD Motorcycle Insurance Policy and online services.

Motorcycle Insurance Policy in Bangladesh:

Act Liability Insurance: Insurance Cover Act. Liabilities biz  dying/physical damage and properties as per Motor Vehicle Amendment Act, 1991.

Comprehensive Insurance policies: Covers loss or damage to your motorized vehicle along with or perhaps their accessories while thereon by flame, growing market, personal ignition, lights, robbery, housebreaking, thieves, huge range & hit, malicious deterioration, terrorism, earthquake, typhoon.

Increased The liability Insurance: Include legal responsibility well over no problem legal responsibility restricts viz. BDT. 20, 000 maximum for death or bodily injury as well as BDT. 50, 000 maximum for property or home deterioration under Regular Thorough as well as Act Simply The liability cover.

Needed Information for Motorcycle Insurance In Bangladesh:

Motorcycle Insurance in Bangladesh with online it's a great news. When you buy a insurance for your motorcycle from any insurance agent, you need to have some information for making insurance policy certificate, Such as information you need to have-

  • Will the Motor Cycle entirely be used for: Social domestic or professional purposes.
  • Are you the owner of the Motor Cycle and is registered in your name
  • Would any other person who to your knowledge, will drive, undergo
  • from defective vision or maybe hearing or maybe from any kind of bodily infirmity?
  • How long have you been driving the Motor Cycle in situation of self-driving ?
  • Other driver condition name, age and time frame of problem of the generating certificate.
  • Have you been insured any Motor Cycle in the past.
  • Are you eligible to a No Claim Bonus from your former underwriter in 
  • regard of the Motor Cycle.
  • Has your underwriter ever decline your proposal .
  • Have you any claim during the past three years.
  • Do you require comprehensive cover.

On-line Motorcycle Insurance In Bangladesh:

On-line insurance service is not available in Bangladesh. Most of Bangladeshi  Insurance company works in traditional system. Now if you like to buy insurance  for your motorcycle in online, You can call this number +88017200-54440 to know briefly. You need to fill the information for online motor cycle Insurance such as, 

Owners Full Name


Commencement date

Registration Number

Make Of Vehicle

Horse Power

Manufacturing Year

Engine Number

Chassis Number

Seating Capacity

Type Of Body

Value Of Motor Cycle

Motorcycle Insurance In Bangladesh Added more Advantages included additional premium:

  • Appropriate the liability for you to staff members from the covered that might be driving/riding the particular employer's Tandem.
  • Accident to covered and any named passenger between 16-65 years
  • legal liability under workmen's compensation Act. 1923, Fatal Accident Act. 1855 

Motorcycle Insurance In Bangladesh Exclusion of common Perils:

  • Riot and Strike such as Destructive Terrorists activities
  • Earthquake (Fire and Shock Damage)
  • Flood, Typhoon, Hurricane Storm, Tempest, Cyclone, Hailstorm and Frost.